Milford's natural beauty is one of its greatest assets. Protecting our unparalleled beaches and green spaces isn't just good for our economy, it's also the right thing to do. Kerri will preserve these important areas for our kids and grandkids.

Kerri Rowland is one of us, so she understands the pressure global inflation has placed on families. She'll fight to cut taxes, and work with state government to make sure Milford is an affordable place to raise a family.

A strong school system keeps property values high and prepares our young adults for a future in Connecticut. Kerri will fully fund our schools, and make sure kids are getting the education they deserve.

Continuing the Democratic record of lower tax rates is priority number one for Kerri. Pro-growth policies will keep our grand list expanding and continue reducing the tax burden on individual property taxes.

Kerri comes from a family of veterans. She'll always fight to ensure our first responders, police, and firefighters have the equipment, training, and support needed from her administration. Those who have served have the support of our city, and Kerri's gratitude.